"ILS" stands for integrated library system. Traditionally, an integrated library system has been an automated system designed to help libraries order, acquire, catalog, circulate, track, and shelve materials, in which software functions are separated into discrete programs called modules. There are usually modules for acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, serials, and the online public access catalog, or OPAC. “Integrated” means that all the modules share a common bibliographic database and work together.
Library automation became widespread in the U.S. between 1970 and 1990. Single-function systems came first, using computers to manage cataloging, or circulation, or acquisitions, but not all at the same time. Integrated systems were developed in the 1980’s. Over the past 25 years, as information technology has developed rapidly and become more important to library services, the role of the ILS has expanded and new functionality has been added. Our new ILS includes components for managing digital collections, online chat reference, federated searching (allowing searching in the catalog, databases, and Internet resources at the same time), automated telephone notification and renewal, and more.
MPLIC and the ILS
Veteran library staff will remember that the Library’s first automated system was ALIS, from a company called DataPhase Systems. MPLIC migrated to the DRA (Data Research Associates) ILS in 1989, and became customers of Sirsi, Inc. when that company acquired DRA in 2001. Sirsi merged with one of its major competitors, Dynix, in June, 2005, becoming SirsiDynix. Later in the same year, MPLIC contracted with SirsiDynix to migrate from DRA Classic to the Unicorn ILS.
For further reading:
Breeding, Marshall. "Re-integrating the integrated library system," Computers In Libraries, January, 2005.
Kenney, Brian. "The Future of Integrated Library Systems: An LJ Round Table," Library Journal, June 15, 2003.
Pace, Andrew K. "Dismantling the integrated library system," Library Journal, February 1, 2004.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Implementation Timeline
Latest revision: June 19, 2007
The Sirsi ILS implementation formally got underway on January 3, 2006, with SirsiDynix's ordering of new servers for the Library.
An implementation schedule has been projected with a planned "go live" date of June 14, 2007 for the new system.
The following timeline shows the major tasks and milestones ahead. As the project progresses, dates will change, and tasks and events will be noted with a checkmark (a) when they are completed or have passed. This timeline will be updated regularly.
(Please note that this timeline updates the draft schedule distributed at the October 26, 2005 Implementation Management Team meeting.)
January 3
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team begins to assess and prepare the server environment using the "Pre-Installation Guide to Configuring Hardware."a
Production, Test, Enterprise Portal Solution/Rooms, and Web servers and racks are ordered. a
January 23
A wireless survey is conducted onsite by SirsiDynix. a
January 30
DRA Classic reports are run on our existing system. a
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team returns the "Pre-Installation Guide to Configuring Hardware" to SirsiDynix.a
February 7-9
Our Sirsi Unicorn Project Manager, Amanda Little, meets with members of the Unicorn Policy Creation and Data Migration Teams during a Pre-Installation Visit. a
February 10
The Unicorn Policy Creation Team begins work on Unicorn policy creation. a
February 13
The Training & Staff Development Team returns a completed copy of a "Training Preparation Guide" to SirsiDynix. a
Bibliographic, item, authority, patron, circulation, serials, and acquisitions data is extracted from the DRA Classic system. a
February 27
Members of the Training and Staff Development Team and other key staff will participate in a “Meet the Trainer” conference call to be introduced to the SirsiDynix trainer. a
A SirsiDynix integration consultant will ship the Unicorn client (Workflows) CD. a
March 1
The Enterprise Portal Solution (EPS) Team begins work with the SirsiDynix SingleSearch/Resolver/Rooms/EPS Project Manager, Carol Stennett.a
March 13-17
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team receives the new Production, Test, Enterprise Portal Solution/Rooms, and Web servers and racks.a
March 20-24
The operating system for the new servers is installed and configured. A SirsiDynix Client /Server Delivery Specialist will complete this work onsite. a
March 27-31
The Training & Staff Development Team distributes training materials and reviews the training documentation. a
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team configures the network to allow all necessary connections for EPS/Rooms/SingleSearch/Resolver. a
April 3-7
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team sets up the training room, including setting up workstations, installing the Unicorn client software, and attaching printers. a
April 10-14
First week of onsite training, conducted with generic software, policies, and data. a
April 18
Members of the Implementation Management Team will participate in a conference call with a SirsiDynix consultant to discuss Demand Management. (Note: This is only a conference call to determine if the Library will use Demand Management , and will need the onsite summit.) a
May 1
The Training & Staff Development Team begins developing the training plan for all library staff. a
May 10
The SirsiDynix Unicorn Policy Creation Team returns the following completed documents:
Policy Excel Worksheetsa
Classic Guide to Loading Dataa
Data Mapping Chartsa
Rooms/EPS (OPAC) questionnairea
May 15-19
The SirsiDynix integration consultant will remotely install a generic training system with generic data on the test server. a
SirsiDynix staff install Rooms software (including purchased Rooms modules) configure it with Unicorn, and configure the OPAC (test data at this time). a
May 18-19
Quality control checks are completed on the test server by the SirsiDynix Software Application Specialist. a
May 22-24
Quality control checks are completed on the test server by the SirsiDynix Project Manager and Trainer. a
May 22-26
The SirsiDynix Project Manager reviews the completed policies. a
Members of the Data Migration Team participate in a conference call to review the Classic Guide to Loading Data and completed data mapping charts with the SirsiDynix Project Manager and Data Conversion Consultant. a
May 30-June 2
A SirsiDynix Client/Server Delivery Specialist enters the policies into the software configuration. a
June 5-9
The Client/Server Delivery Specialist will install Unicorn remotely on the production server. a
June 19-23
Quality control checks completed on the production server by a Software Application Specialist. a
June 19-23
Data preparation for test data load onto the production server. a
June 20
Conference call with SirsiDynix SureStart Consultant Diane Cunningham to discuss the cataloging and circulation summits in July. a
July 10-11
The Cataloging Team participates in a Cataloging onsite summit with SirsiDynix consultant Diane Cunningham. a
Paul Gahn and Steve Foster attend Unicorn Administration training and Unix Server Administration training at a date to be determined during this period. a
July 10-August 4
SirsiDynix loads and indexes data for test load on the production server. a
July 17-18
The Circulation Team participates in a Circulation onsite summit with SirsiDynix consultant Diane Cunningham. a
July 19-20
The Unicorn Policy Creation Team participates in a Demand Management onsite summit with SirsiDynix consultant Diane Cunningham. a
July 27
SirsiDynix conducts a 1-day session of onsite Rooms Builder training for the EPS Team. a
August 7-11
The Data Migration Team participates in a conference call with a consultant to discuss how to review a test data load. a
August 14-18
The SirsiDynix Project Manager and Data Consultant complete quality control checks. a
August 16-17
SirsiDynix Consulting Services conducts a 2-day onsite Rooms Planning Workshop for members of the EPS Team. The workshop includes Personas Training, Taxonomy Exploration, and Taxonomy Development. a
August 25
Members of the EPS Team participate in an introductory call regarding Central Search. a
August 28
The production server is turned over to the Library to begin data review. a
SirsiDynix provides a data reporting table.a
August 28-September 8
MPLIC returns the completed connection spreadsheet and completed customization form to Serials Solutions and SirsiDynix.a
August 28-January 29, 2007
This is the Data Migration Team's data review period for all data types.
(Note: Data review will take place on the production server.)
August 28-September 1
Second week of onsite training.a
September 8-29
Serials Solutions works with content providers regarding authentication.a
September 11
SirsiDynix upgrades the Unicorn production server from version GL3.0 to GL3.1.a
SirsiDynix orders the PocketCirc devices.a
After Sept. 11
SirsiDynix copies the production server to the test server.a
MPLIC staff installs WorkFlows client on the staff computers that will be conducting data review and training. a
September 21
The Data Migration and Cataloging Teams participate in a conference call with a SirsiDynix consultant to discuss indexing.a
September 25
9XX training is conducted for the Acquisitions and Cataloging Teams.a
September 27
EDI training is conducted for the Acquisitions team.a
October 1 - 6
Connection information is uploaded to Serials Solutions servers. a
October 10-12
The Acquisitions Team participates in an Acquisitions onsite summit with a SirsiDynix consultant (2 days). a
October 9-13
Serials Solutions tests connections. a
October 16
SirsiDynix orders the SVA server. a
October 17-18
Two days of onsite training by Sirsi (formerly "Week 3"). a
Serials Solutions implements customizations. a
October 23
SirsiDynix and Serials Solutions coordinate the sending of the Central Search URL and instructions. a
October 23-27
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team installs the phone lines for SVA. a
October 30-November 3
The Library's Unicorn system administrators (Paul Gahn, Steve Foster) participate in a conference call with a SirsiDynix consultant to discuss reports. a
MPLIC conducts a review for additional changes to or questions about the initial Central Search installation. a
November 7-8
The Serials & Gov Docs Team participates in a Serials /Government documents onsite summit with a SirsiDynix consultant (2 days). a
November 13-17
MPLIC begins working on the Marcive GPO records download, bib and item record creation process. a
November 14
The Collection Exchange Team participates in a WebEx seesion with a SirsiDynix consultant.a
November 16
SVA server is received at SirsiDynix and configured. a
December 4
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators confirm the installation of phone lines for SVA. a
December 12
The EPS Team and Serials Solutions have a Client Center/AMS walk-through for Article Linker. a
Late December (approximately)
The EPS Team completes and returns the Article Linker customization forms. a
December - January
The EPS Team completes the referring sources and target setup for Article Linker.a
SirsiDynix orders dialogic boards for the SVA server.a
The dialogic boards for the SVA server are received at SirsiDynix and the SVA server is configured.a
SVA software is installed by SirsiDynix. a
SirsiDynix ships the SVA server to MPLIC. a
The SVA server is received and installed on network by the Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators. a
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators review the SVA Configuration User’s Guide and SVA training webinar. a
January 12
MPLIC returns questionnaires for SIP and NCIP setup.a
January (and ongoing)
Content creation for EPS/Rooms, including input of taxonomy, creation of Rooms, and addition of content to content modules.
Proofing and editing of EPS/Rooms content, including addition of desired graphics, branding, and remaining aesthetics.
Review and testing of EPS/Rooms.
February 7
SirsiDynix, the Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators hold a phone consultation to review the SVA configuration file.a
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators begin SVA testing.a
The Unicorn system administrator with the EPS Team manages the SIP2 interface setup for the 3M self check at East Shelby Library and the Overdrive E-audio books service.a
The Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrator begin installation and testing of configuration, test Smartport, and test peripheral devices. They consider barcode readers, inventory scanners, receipt printers, spine label printer, notice printers, self check machines. (Pending installation of Patch Cluster 5.) a
April 30
Final date for the Unicorn Policy Creation Team to make changes to the Unicorn policy file.a
The Data Migration Team returns the final Data Loading Guide and revised Data Mapping Charts.a
May (tentative)
SirsiDynix upgrades EPS/Rooms to version 2.2.a
A quality control check is done for EPS/Rooms 2.2.a
Serials Solutions makes final adjustments to Article Linker customizations.a
SirsiDynix integrates Central Search and Article Linker in EPS/Rooms, following the upgrade to version 2.2. a
SirsiDynix conducts a second day of onsite Rooms Builder training, using version 2.2.
May 1
System training for reference staff begins.a
May 3
System training for Circulation staff begins.a
May 8
The Data Migration Team has a Final Data Call with the SirsiDynix Project Manager and Data Conversion Consultant.a
May 11
Last day for MPLIC to use the DRA Classic system Cataloging module.a
May 11 or sooner
The DRA Classic system administrator (Paul Gahn) returns the completed Classic Bridge questionnaire.a
May 13
SirsiDynix does the final extract of bibs, items and authorities from Classic server. (Note: This activity does take place on a Sunday. )a
At about this time, the Unicorn system administrators begin having regular calls with the SirsiDynix SureStart consultant in preparation for Go Live.a
May 14 - 25
SirsiDynix loads bibs, items and authorities to the Unicorn production server.a
May 25
Last day for MPLIC to use the Classic system Acquisitions Vendor and Serials modules.a
May 25 (tentative)
SirsiDynix does the final extract of acquisitions data from the Classic system.a
May 29
MPLIC begins review of bibs, items and authorities, and resumes cataloging at its discretion. Unicorn services may be interrupted from time to time during additional loads scheduled and due to the loading of additional data, server response may be slowed.a
May 29 - 30
SirsiDynix loads acquisitions data (vendor records only) to the Unicorn production server.a
May 30
SirsiDynix does the final extract of serials data from Classic system.a
May 31
MPLIC verifies that all staff computers have the Workflows Client loaded. a
May 31 - June 5
SirsiDynix loads serials data to the Unicorn production server.a
June 6
SirsiDynix does the final extract of patron and circulation data from the Classic system.a
Last day for MPLIC to use the Classic system Circulation module.a
June 7
Last day of system training for Circulation staff.a
June 7 - 13
SirsiDynix loads patron and circulation records onto the Unicorn production server.
MPLIC uses Classic Bridge for circulation while patron and circulation data is being loaded.a
June 12 - 16
The SureStart consultant is onsite for Go Live.a
June 13
MPLIC does a full system backup of the Unicorn production system.a
SirsiDynix loads Classic Bridge circulation transactions onto Unicorn production system.a
Note: This activity will happen overnight.
June 14
Go Live on Unicorn circulation module, SVA, and Rooms/Central Search/Article Linker/EPS..a
Dates are yet to be determined (or are in flux) for the following tasks/milestones:
Copy of the Unicorn production server to the test server.
Launch of the Collection Exchange project.
The SirsiDynix Secure Resources project.
The Bluesocket Wireless Network Solution project.
API training.
Begin planning for the Hyperion and Director's Station projects.
Begin testing Collection Agency reports.
SirsiDynix manages setup for LincPlus bindery project.
The Sirsi ILS implementation formally got underway on January 3, 2006, with SirsiDynix's ordering of new servers for the Library.
An implementation schedule has been projected with a planned "go live" date of June 14, 2007 for the new system.
The following timeline shows the major tasks and milestones ahead. As the project progresses, dates will change, and tasks and events will be noted with a checkmark (a) when they are completed or have passed. This timeline will be updated regularly.
(Please note that this timeline updates the draft schedule distributed at the October 26, 2005 Implementation Management Team meeting.)
January 3
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team begins to assess and prepare the server environment using the "Pre-Installation Guide to Configuring Hardware."a
Production, Test, Enterprise Portal Solution/Rooms, and Web servers and racks are ordered. a
January 23
A wireless survey is conducted onsite by SirsiDynix. a
January 30
DRA Classic reports are run on our existing system. a
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team returns the "Pre-Installation Guide to Configuring Hardware" to SirsiDynix.a
February 7-9
Our Sirsi Unicorn Project Manager, Amanda Little, meets with members of the Unicorn Policy Creation and Data Migration Teams during a Pre-Installation Visit. a
February 10
The Unicorn Policy Creation Team begins work on Unicorn policy creation. a
February 13
The Training & Staff Development Team returns a completed copy of a "Training Preparation Guide" to SirsiDynix. a
Bibliographic, item, authority, patron, circulation, serials, and acquisitions data is extracted from the DRA Classic system. a
February 27
Members of the Training and Staff Development Team and other key staff will participate in a “Meet the Trainer” conference call to be introduced to the SirsiDynix trainer. a
A SirsiDynix integration consultant will ship the Unicorn client (Workflows) CD. a
March 1
The Enterprise Portal Solution (EPS) Team begins work with the SirsiDynix SingleSearch/Resolver/Rooms/EPS Project Manager, Carol Stennett.a
March 13-17
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team receives the new Production, Test, Enterprise Portal Solution/Rooms, and Web servers and racks.a
March 20-24
The operating system for the new servers is installed and configured. A SirsiDynix Client /Server Delivery Specialist will complete this work onsite. a
March 27-31
The Training & Staff Development Team distributes training materials and reviews the training documentation. a
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team configures the network to allow all necessary connections for EPS/Rooms/SingleSearch/Resolver. a
April 3-7
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team sets up the training room, including setting up workstations, installing the Unicorn client software, and attaching printers. a
April 10-14
First week of onsite training, conducted with generic software, policies, and data. a
April 18
Members of the Implementation Management Team will participate in a conference call with a SirsiDynix consultant to discuss Demand Management. (Note: This is only a conference call to determine if the Library will use Demand Management , and will need the onsite summit.) a
May 1
The Training & Staff Development Team begins developing the training plan for all library staff. a
May 10
The SirsiDynix Unicorn Policy Creation Team returns the following completed documents:
Policy Excel Worksheetsa
Classic Guide to Loading Dataa
Data Mapping Chartsa
Rooms/EPS (OPAC) questionnairea
May 15-19
The SirsiDynix integration consultant will remotely install a generic training system with generic data on the test server. a
SirsiDynix staff install Rooms software (including purchased Rooms modules) configure it with Unicorn, and configure the OPAC (test data at this time). a
May 18-19
Quality control checks are completed on the test server by the SirsiDynix Software Application Specialist. a
May 22-24
Quality control checks are completed on the test server by the SirsiDynix Project Manager and Trainer. a
May 22-26
The SirsiDynix Project Manager reviews the completed policies. a
Members of the Data Migration Team participate in a conference call to review the Classic Guide to Loading Data and completed data mapping charts with the SirsiDynix Project Manager and Data Conversion Consultant. a
May 30-June 2
A SirsiDynix Client/Server Delivery Specialist enters the policies into the software configuration. a
June 5-9
The Client/Server Delivery Specialist will install Unicorn remotely on the production server. a
June 19-23
Quality control checks completed on the production server by a Software Application Specialist. a
June 19-23
Data preparation for test data load onto the production server. a
June 20
Conference call with SirsiDynix SureStart Consultant Diane Cunningham to discuss the cataloging and circulation summits in July. a
July 10-11
The Cataloging Team participates in a Cataloging onsite summit with SirsiDynix consultant Diane Cunningham. a
Paul Gahn and Steve Foster attend Unicorn Administration training and Unix Server Administration training at a date to be determined during this period. a
July 10-August 4
SirsiDynix loads and indexes data for test load on the production server. a
July 17-18
The Circulation Team participates in a Circulation onsite summit with SirsiDynix consultant Diane Cunningham. a
July 19-20
The Unicorn Policy Creation Team participates in a Demand Management onsite summit with SirsiDynix consultant Diane Cunningham. a
July 27
SirsiDynix conducts a 1-day session of onsite Rooms Builder training for the EPS Team. a
August 7-11
The Data Migration Team participates in a conference call with a consultant to discuss how to review a test data load. a
August 14-18
The SirsiDynix Project Manager and Data Consultant complete quality control checks. a
August 16-17
SirsiDynix Consulting Services conducts a 2-day onsite Rooms Planning Workshop for members of the EPS Team. The workshop includes Personas Training, Taxonomy Exploration, and Taxonomy Development. a
August 25
Members of the EPS Team participate in an introductory call regarding Central Search. a
August 28
The production server is turned over to the Library to begin data review. a
SirsiDynix provides a data reporting table.a
August 28-September 8
MPLIC returns the completed connection spreadsheet and completed customization form to Serials Solutions and SirsiDynix.a
August 28-January 29, 2007
This is the Data Migration Team's data review period for all data types.
(Note: Data review will take place on the production server.)
August 28-September 1
Second week of onsite training.a
September 8-29
Serials Solutions works with content providers regarding authentication.a
September 11
SirsiDynix upgrades the Unicorn production server from version GL3.0 to GL3.1.a
SirsiDynix orders the PocketCirc devices.a
After Sept. 11
SirsiDynix copies the production server to the test server.a
MPLIC staff installs WorkFlows client on the staff computers that will be conducting data review and training. a
September 21
The Data Migration and Cataloging Teams participate in a conference call with a SirsiDynix consultant to discuss indexing.a
September 25
9XX training is conducted for the Acquisitions and Cataloging Teams.a
September 27
EDI training is conducted for the Acquisitions team.a
October 1 - 6
Connection information is uploaded to Serials Solutions servers. a
October 10-12
The Acquisitions Team participates in an Acquisitions onsite summit with a SirsiDynix consultant (2 days). a
October 9-13
Serials Solutions tests connections. a
October 16
SirsiDynix orders the SVA server. a
October 17-18
Two days of onsite training by Sirsi (formerly "Week 3"). a
Serials Solutions implements customizations. a
October 23
SirsiDynix and Serials Solutions coordinate the sending of the Central Search URL and instructions. a
October 23-27
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team installs the phone lines for SVA. a
October 30-November 3
The Library's Unicorn system administrators (Paul Gahn, Steve Foster) participate in a conference call with a SirsiDynix consultant to discuss reports. a
MPLIC conducts a review for additional changes to or questions about the initial Central Search installation. a
November 7-8
The Serials & Gov Docs Team participates in a Serials /Government documents onsite summit with a SirsiDynix consultant (2 days). a
November 13-17
MPLIC begins working on the Marcive GPO records download, bib and item record creation process. a
November 14
The Collection Exchange Team participates in a WebEx seesion with a SirsiDynix consultant.a
November 16
SVA server is received at SirsiDynix and configured. a
December 4
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators confirm the installation of phone lines for SVA. a
December 12
The EPS Team and Serials Solutions have a Client Center/AMS walk-through for Article Linker. a
Late December (approximately)
The EPS Team completes and returns the Article Linker customization forms. a
December - January
The EPS Team completes the referring sources and target setup for Article Linker.a
SirsiDynix orders dialogic boards for the SVA server.a
The dialogic boards for the SVA server are received at SirsiDynix and the SVA server is configured.a
SVA software is installed by SirsiDynix. a
SirsiDynix ships the SVA server to MPLIC. a
The SVA server is received and installed on network by the Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators. a
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators review the SVA Configuration User’s Guide and SVA training webinar. a
January 12
MPLIC returns questionnaires for SIP and NCIP setup.a
January (and ongoing)
Content creation for EPS/Rooms, including input of taxonomy, creation of Rooms, and addition of content to content modules.
Proofing and editing of EPS/Rooms content, including addition of desired graphics, branding, and remaining aesthetics.
Review and testing of EPS/Rooms.
February 7
SirsiDynix, the Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators hold a phone consultation to review the SVA configuration file.a
The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrators begin SVA testing.a
The Unicorn system administrator with the EPS Team manages the SIP2 interface setup for the 3M self check at East Shelby Library and the Overdrive E-audio books service.a
The Hardware & Wireless Network Team and the Unicorn system administrator begin installation and testing of configuration, test Smartport, and test peripheral devices. They consider barcode readers, inventory scanners, receipt printers, spine label printer, notice printers, self check machines. (Pending installation of Patch Cluster 5.) a
April 30
Final date for the Unicorn Policy Creation Team to make changes to the Unicorn policy file.a
The Data Migration Team returns the final Data Loading Guide and revised Data Mapping Charts.a
May (tentative)
SirsiDynix upgrades EPS/Rooms to version 2.2.a
A quality control check is done for EPS/Rooms 2.2.a
Serials Solutions makes final adjustments to Article Linker customizations.a
SirsiDynix integrates Central Search and Article Linker in EPS/Rooms, following the upgrade to version 2.2. a
SirsiDynix conducts a second day of onsite Rooms Builder training, using version 2.2.
May 1
System training for reference staff begins.a
May 3
System training for Circulation staff begins.a
May 8
The Data Migration Team has a Final Data Call with the SirsiDynix Project Manager and Data Conversion Consultant.a
May 11
Last day for MPLIC to use the DRA Classic system Cataloging module.a
May 11 or sooner
The DRA Classic system administrator (Paul Gahn) returns the completed Classic Bridge questionnaire.a
May 13
SirsiDynix does the final extract of bibs, items and authorities from Classic server. (Note: This activity does take place on a Sunday. )a
At about this time, the Unicorn system administrators begin having regular calls with the SirsiDynix SureStart consultant in preparation for Go Live.a
May 14 - 25
SirsiDynix loads bibs, items and authorities to the Unicorn production server.a
May 25
Last day for MPLIC to use the Classic system Acquisitions Vendor and Serials modules.a
May 25 (tentative)
SirsiDynix does the final extract of acquisitions data from the Classic system.a
May 29
MPLIC begins review of bibs, items and authorities, and resumes cataloging at its discretion. Unicorn services may be interrupted from time to time during additional loads scheduled and due to the loading of additional data, server response may be slowed.a
May 29 - 30
SirsiDynix loads acquisitions data (vendor records only) to the Unicorn production server.a
May 30
SirsiDynix does the final extract of serials data from Classic system.a
May 31
MPLIC verifies that all staff computers have the Workflows Client loaded. a
May 31 - June 5
SirsiDynix loads serials data to the Unicorn production server.a
June 6
SirsiDynix does the final extract of patron and circulation data from the Classic system.a
Last day for MPLIC to use the Classic system Circulation module.a
June 7
Last day of system training for Circulation staff.a
June 7 - 13
SirsiDynix loads patron and circulation records onto the Unicorn production server.
MPLIC uses Classic Bridge for circulation while patron and circulation data is being loaded.a
June 12 - 16
The SureStart consultant is onsite for Go Live.a
June 13
MPLIC does a full system backup of the Unicorn production system.a
SirsiDynix loads Classic Bridge circulation transactions onto Unicorn production system.a
Note: This activity will happen overnight.
June 14
Go Live on Unicorn circulation module, SVA, and Rooms/Central Search/Article Linker/EPS..a
Dates are yet to be determined (or are in flux) for the following tasks/milestones:
Copy of the Unicorn production server to the test server.
Launch of the Collection Exchange project.
The SirsiDynix Secure Resources project.
The Bluesocket Wireless Network Solution project.
API training.
Begin planning for the Hyperion and Director's Station projects.
Begin testing Collection Agency reports.
SirsiDynix manages setup for LincPlus bindery project.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Blog Guidelines
The subjects of blog posts and comments should fall within the scope of the Sirsi ILS implementation project. If you are uncertain whether a particular subject or issue you want to post or comment about is “on topic”, please contact Alan Stewart or Steve Foster before you post or comment.
Please remember to adhere to copyright laws; the library cannot use graphics, text or multimedia from copyrighted sources. Public domain graphics, graphics produced by MPLIC staff, or graphics for which the library has a release or right to use through purchase may be used. (See below for information on using SirsiDynix graphics.)
All staff members contributing either posts or comments to the blog are expected to conform to the City of Memphis Human Resources Manual policy PM-78-04, “Use of the Internet, Internal & External Electronic Mail & General Use of Personal Computers”. Staff should also keep in mind that any information they convey in the context of their employment at Memphis Public Library is a reflection of the entire library system.
The SirsiDynix company is supporting our blogging effort, but has asked us to respect their proprietary information. Staff members should exercise care not to post information that provides specific details about the inner workings of Sirsi’s technology. Please review the following information from SirsiDynix carefully, and contact Steve or Alan if you have any questions:
SirsiDynix's "Blog Guidelines and Notes"
Blogging is an exciting new technology and we are experimenting with it, too. SirsiDynix looks forward to learning from your experience to see if other customers might find it useful. We want to encourage you in this new venture; however, there are some legal matters that we have to be concerned about in order to protect the SirsiDynix name and its proprietary information. Attached are the relevant portions of your contract and some additional notes so that you can keep these matters in mind regarding Blog use of SirsiDynix information (e.g. logos, trademarks or screen shots, text [software and training documents], software, photographs, video, graphics or other SirsiDynix proprietary materials).
A. As part of the license to use the SirsiDynix Software products Memphis Public Library has agreed that:
“9. LIBRARY shall not disclose, furnish, transfer, sub-license or assign in whole or in part to any third party the Software or any rights therein, granted under the terms of this License.
10. LIBRARY acknowledges that all Software provided to LIBRARY by SirsiDynix, contains proprietary copyrighted, confidential and/or trade secret information of SirsiDynix or the relevant third party provider and LIBRARY agrees to take all precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of such information. No portion of the Software, including its Associated Documentation, may be made available by LIBRARY to any party except to those of its employees or agents who need to use such information in accordance with the agreement under which it was provided by SirsiDynix. LIBRARY acknowledges that if it violates this LICENSE AGREEMENT, SirsiDynix or the relevant third party provider will have all the rights provided herein and available under law including the right to injunctive relief.”
B. Logos, marks or screen shots may never be used by third parties except under a license or written guidelines from SirsiDynix. A guideline for logos, marks or screen shots usage follows:
SirsiDynix has developed the following guidelines for logo and screen shot use in customers’ web sites, promotional materials, publications and signage. The guidelines are designed to protect and maintain the integrity of SirsiDynix logos, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets. You may make fair use of our trademarks or screen shots in advertising, publications and promotional materials, and in referring to our products or services (for example, on your Web site or in training materials) without SirsiDynix’s permission, provided you do not modify, alter or change the SirsiDynix artwork (graphics), and provide proper attribution noted below.
If you wish to use SirsiDynix logos, screen shots or trademarks in any manner other than that described above, SirsiDynix must grant you a license prior to such use. Please make such requests by email to webmaster@sirsidynix.com.
SirsiDynix trademarks or screen shots may never be used:
· In a non-SirsiDynix product name or publication title.
· In, as, or as part of your own trademark.
· To identify products or services that are not SirsiDynix’s.
· To cause confusion.
· To suggest inaccurately that we sponsor, endorse, or are otherwise connected with your activities, products, or services.
· To disparage SirsiDynix.
· In any other manner that SirsiDynix finds offensive or inappropriate.
SirsiDynix reserves the right to inspect any usage of its trademarks or screen shots and may terminate its nonexclusive, royalty-free grant if SirsiDynix determines that a customer has used trademarks or screen shots in violation of any of these guidelines.
C. Customers are advised to audit Blog members and content to prevent members from using the Blog to (a) upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of privacy, hateful, or otherwise objectionable to or regarding SirsiDynix; (b) impersonate a SirsiDynix employee or official, forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent affiliation with SirsiDynix; (c) upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual relationship with SirsiDynix (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of our relationships or under nondisclosure agreements); or (d) upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of SirsiDynix.
D. SirsiDynix does not accept liability to any person for the information or advice provided on a customer Blog or incorporated into it by reference. SirsiDynix does not accept any liability for loss or damages incurred as a result of reliance placed upon the content of a customer Blog.
Please remember to adhere to copyright laws; the library cannot use graphics, text or multimedia from copyrighted sources. Public domain graphics, graphics produced by MPLIC staff, or graphics for which the library has a release or right to use through purchase may be used. (See below for information on using SirsiDynix graphics.)
All staff members contributing either posts or comments to the blog are expected to conform to the City of Memphis Human Resources Manual policy PM-78-04, “Use of the Internet, Internal & External Electronic Mail & General Use of Personal Computers”. Staff should also keep in mind that any information they convey in the context of their employment at Memphis Public Library is a reflection of the entire library system.
The SirsiDynix company is supporting our blogging effort, but has asked us to respect their proprietary information. Staff members should exercise care not to post information that provides specific details about the inner workings of Sirsi’s technology. Please review the following information from SirsiDynix carefully, and contact Steve or Alan if you have any questions:
SirsiDynix's "Blog Guidelines and Notes"
Blogging is an exciting new technology and we are experimenting with it, too. SirsiDynix looks forward to learning from your experience to see if other customers might find it useful. We want to encourage you in this new venture; however, there are some legal matters that we have to be concerned about in order to protect the SirsiDynix name and its proprietary information. Attached are the relevant portions of your contract and some additional notes so that you can keep these matters in mind regarding Blog use of SirsiDynix information (e.g. logos, trademarks or screen shots, text [software and training documents], software, photographs, video, graphics or other SirsiDynix proprietary materials).
A. As part of the license to use the SirsiDynix Software products Memphis Public Library has agreed that:
“9. LIBRARY shall not disclose, furnish, transfer, sub-license or assign in whole or in part to any third party the Software or any rights therein, granted under the terms of this License.
10. LIBRARY acknowledges that all Software provided to LIBRARY by SirsiDynix, contains proprietary copyrighted, confidential and/or trade secret information of SirsiDynix or the relevant third party provider and LIBRARY agrees to take all precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of such information. No portion of the Software, including its Associated Documentation, may be made available by LIBRARY to any party except to those of its employees or agents who need to use such information in accordance with the agreement under which it was provided by SirsiDynix. LIBRARY acknowledges that if it violates this LICENSE AGREEMENT, SirsiDynix or the relevant third party provider will have all the rights provided herein and available under law including the right to injunctive relief.”
B. Logos, marks or screen shots may never be used by third parties except under a license or written guidelines from SirsiDynix. A guideline for logos, marks or screen shots usage follows:
SirsiDynix has developed the following guidelines for logo and screen shot use in customers’ web sites, promotional materials, publications and signage. The guidelines are designed to protect and maintain the integrity of SirsiDynix logos, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets. You may make fair use of our trademarks or screen shots in advertising, publications and promotional materials, and in referring to our products or services (for example, on your Web site or in training materials) without SirsiDynix’s permission, provided you do not modify, alter or change the SirsiDynix artwork (graphics), and provide proper attribution noted below.
If you wish to use SirsiDynix logos, screen shots or trademarks in any manner other than that described above, SirsiDynix must grant you a license prior to such use. Please make such requests by email to webmaster@sirsidynix.com.
SirsiDynix trademarks or screen shots may never be used:
· In a non-SirsiDynix product name or publication title.
· In, as, or as part of your own trademark.
· To identify products or services that are not SirsiDynix’s.
· To cause confusion.
· To suggest inaccurately that we sponsor, endorse, or are otherwise connected with your activities, products, or services.
· To disparage SirsiDynix.
· In any other manner that SirsiDynix finds offensive or inappropriate.
SirsiDynix reserves the right to inspect any usage of its trademarks or screen shots and may terminate its nonexclusive, royalty-free grant if SirsiDynix determines that a customer has used trademarks or screen shots in violation of any of these guidelines.
C. Customers are advised to audit Blog members and content to prevent members from using the Blog to (a) upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of privacy, hateful, or otherwise objectionable to or regarding SirsiDynix; (b) impersonate a SirsiDynix employee or official, forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent affiliation with SirsiDynix; (c) upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual relationship with SirsiDynix (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of our relationships or under nondisclosure agreements); or (d) upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of SirsiDynix.
D. SirsiDynix does not accept liability to any person for the information or advice provided on a customer Blog or incorporated into it by reference. SirsiDynix does not accept any liability for loss or damages incurred as a result of reliance placed upon the content of a customer Blog.
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