Friday, March 31, 2006

SirsiDynix Project Manager's Weekly Project Status Report #6

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Unicorn Project Status Report

Status Report Date: 03/31/2006
Site Name: Memphis Public Library (24 libraries)
Client Contact: Steve Foster
Go-Live Date: 03/15/07
Software Release: GL 3.0

Project Manager: Amanda Little
Implementation Team: Damon Hunter, Jenny Hendrickson, Patty Suessen
Sales Representative: Laurie Chase

Major Activities/ Meetings Completed
Weekly Call: Tuesdays 2:00 CST
Library continues to work on policies
E-learning logins provided
Library continues to work with Carol on EPS/Rooms

Activities/ Meetings Scheduled for Next Week
Damon will contact Steve to walk through the installation of Workflows and completed a workstation test.
Install Workflows on all training computers.
Weekly call scheduled for Tuesday April 4th at 2pm.

Project Status
Policies/ProfilingIn Progress
DataOn Schedule
TrainingOn ScheduleFirst week of training is scheduled for April 10-14
Hardware InstallDamon will be going to the library the week of April 17th to complete the hardware installation.
SoftwareOn Schedule
Go Live03/15/07On Schedule

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Guide to the Enterprise Portal Solution, Part 2 (or, What is a portal, anyway?)

The name of Sirsi's new public interface incorporates several concepts, including web portals in general, and more specifically enterprise and library portals.

In the broadest sense, a portal is simply a Web site that offers a broad array of resources and services, such as search engines, news headlines, e-mail, discussion groups, and shopping. Yahoo, MSN, and AOL are popular examples of such portals, which many users set as the starting page for their Web browser. Somewhat more narrowly, a portal such as MyYahoo takes the concept further by allowing users to customize their own Internet start page according to their own needs and preferences – displaying only their local news and weather, latest scores from their favorite teams, daily price quotes for the stocks they own, and perhaps a few feeds from blogs they follow.

The concept of the enterprise information portal developed in the context of the corporate Intranet. Such a portal integrates an organization’s electronic data and services into a single user-customizable environment. Each member of the organization can have their own unique web site with access to all of the information and services they commonly need to do their work.

EPS screen
The library portal applies this idea to the library world. The library portal has been described as “an information hub” (a familiar concept for MPLIC!) -- a single user interface for access to the wide variety of information resources both within and outside of the library. In addition to some level of personalization or customization, library portals usually include federated searching -- also known as metasearching, or broadcast searching -- which allows customers to search all of the library’s online resources – the catalog, specialized databases, and even the Web – with a single query.

More reading about library web portals:
Abram, Stephen. "The Shop Window: Compelling and Dynamic Library Portals," SirsiDynix OneSource, December 2005.
Boss, Richard. "Library Portals (PLA Tech Notes)," March, 2005.

Next: What are “Rooms?”

Image courtesy of SirsiDynix.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Rooms/EPS Project Manager's Weekly Project Status Report #2

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Project Status Report
Rooms/EPS and SingleSearch

Site Name: Memphis Public Library
Report Date: March 27th, 2006
Project Team:
Unicorn Project Manager – Amanda Little
Rooms/EPS Project Manager – Carol Stennett
Client/Server Delivery Specialist – Craig Lawrence
Product Specialist, SingleSearch – Adrianne Peters

Important Deadlines:
May 15th, 2007 – Go Live on All Products

Tasks Completed
Rooms workshop and builder training dates sent out
First draft of schedule reviewed
Second draft sent on March 16th

Upcoming/Outstanding Tasks for Week of March 20th
Confirm Rooms server has been configured with OS by end of week - Memphis
Check on port opening progress – any questions? – Memphis
Schedule training dates
Questions to answer:

  • Can we define the display order for the search limit options (Item types, locations, libraries) (like we can for Pickup libraries)? Or is the display sorted by the:
    *60 character Description?
    *10 character Policy name?
    Or is it the order entered in the Unicorn policy file (delivereds, then our item types)
    Answer: Carol is checking on this
  • Why is the text running off the page at Oxnard Public Library?
    Answer: Oxnard is still at version 2.0. We are upgrading them to version 2.1 next week. We haven’t been able to identify exactly why the text is running off like it is in certain pages. We have not seen this on any sites that we have installed at version 2.1 build 355, which is the official released build of version 2.1

Friday, March 24, 2006

Sirsi Implementation Teams: The Data Migration Team

The Data Migration Team is responsible for making certain that all of the borrower records, circulation information, cataloging data, and all other information in our DRA Classic system is transferred properly to our new Unicorn ILS.

This week, this team met jointly with the Unicorn Policy File Team to discuss issues in Unicorn policy creation and to review an initial draft of the Unicorn policy file developed by Paul Gahn.

Role of the Data Migration Team:

  • To coordinate data migration from the DRA Classic ILS to the Sirsi Unicorn ILS
  • To identify the requirements for data conversion and transfer
  • To identify the requirements for reports and management information
  • To identify the requirements for and to coordinate the delivery of staff training
  • To identify and make recommendations on potential workflow changes

Reports to the Sirsi Implementation Management Team


Chair – Paul Gahn (Automated Services)
Ann Delphin (Central Circulation)
Wang-Ying Glasgow (Serials/Gov. Docs.)
Deborah Powell (Cataloging)
Cindy Soenksen (Acquisitions)

    SirsiDynix Project Manager's Weekly Project Status Report #5

    SirsiDynix logo

    Project Status Report

    Site Name: Memphis Public Library
    Date: 03/24/06

    Project Manager: Amanda Little
    Sales Representative: Laurie Chase
    Client Contact: Steve Foster and Alan Stewart

    Major Activities/ Meetings Completed
    Weekly call on Tuesday at 2 p.m.
    Library continuing to working on policies
    Adam and Damon were on-site to install the production , test ,and Rooms/EPS server

    Activities/ Meetings Scheduled for Next Week
    Continue working on policies
    Call schedule for Tuesday March 28th at 2 p.m.
    Receive training manuals

    Project Status
    1. Access –
    2. Hardware – During the on-site hardware installed it was discovered that the rails for the production server and cables for the KVM switch were missing. Both items have been ordered, and the rails have arrived on-site. Printers are on order.
    3. Software –
    4. Policies – Library is continuing to working on policies
    5. Data – A successful test data extraction has been completed.
    6. Training – The first week of training is scheduled for April 10-14
    7. Schedule – All activities are on schedule.

    Thursday, March 23, 2006

    Sirsi Unicorn & DRA Classic Compared

    Damone Virgilio has developed an informative Powerpoint slide show comparing terms we use in DRA Classic with their equivalents. This presentation, which made its debut at the Circulation Services Users Group Meeting in March, has been posted to the Intranet so it can be accessed by all staff. You will find a permanent link to the presentation on the Staff Development Intranet page as well as in this blog's list of links.

    When you click on the link you will have the option of saving the Powerpoint file to your hard drive or opening it in the browser. If you choose the latter, the presentation will open in slide show mode. To advance through the presentation, either click the left mouse button or press the Page Down key on your keyboard. To return to the Intranet or blog page you were on, click the "Back" button in the browser.

    Wednesday, March 22, 2006

    Sirsi Implementation Teams: The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team

    The Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team is busy this week offering coordination and assistance as SirsiDynix technicians install new servers in the Computer Room.

    Role of the Computer Hardware & Wireless Network Team:

    • To coordinate the installation of computer and network hardware as required to implement the Sirsi ILS and wireless network
    • To identify the requirements for reports and management information
    • To identify the requirements for and to coordinate the delivery of staff training
    • To identify and make recommendations on potential workflow change


    Reports to the Sirsi Implementation Management Team


    (All members are Automated Services staff.)

    Chair – Sam Ivy
    Steve Foster
    Paul Gahn
    Mike Gordon
    Sidino Beverly
    John Dooley
    Deshone Marshall
    Jerry Walker

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006

    Rooms/EPS Project Manager's Weekly Project Status Report #1

    SirsiDynix logo

    Project Status Report
    Rooms/EPS and SingleSearch

    Site Name: Memphis Public Library
    Report Date: March 20th, 2006
    Project Team:
    Unicorn Project Manager – Amanda Little
    • Rooms/EPS Project Manager – Carol Stennett
    • Client/Server Delivery Specialist – Craig Lawrence
    • Product Specialist, SingleSearch – Adrianne Peters

    Important Deadlines:
    • May 15th, 2007 – Go Live on All Products

    Tasks Completed
    • First draft of schedule reviewed
    • Second draft sent on March 16th

    Upcoming/Outstanding Tasks for Week of March 20th
    • Confirm Rooms server has been configured with OS by end of week - Memphis
    • Check on port opening progress – any questions? – Memphis
    • Send Available Training Dates - Carol

    Monday, March 20, 2006

    Guide to the Enterprise Portal Solution, Part I (or, Whatever happened to iBistro?)

    iBistro screen shotStaff who have been involved in planning for the migration to a new ILS for the last couple of years, or who have just been interested observers, will remember the term iBistro as the name for Sirsi's Web catalog interface. Many of us have been impressed with the enhanced features and content available in iBistro, with book jacket art, synopses, and reviews provided for many titles. As more recent communications have referred to the Web catalog interface for the new ILS as the Enterprise Portal Solution, or EPS, some of you may be wondering what the difference is, or what has become of iBistro.

    IBistro (or, as it is implemented in acdemic libraries, iLink) is a web catalog interface that functions well as a stand-alone resource that is part of a library web site. SirsiDynix continues to sell iBistro but is no longer actively developing it. In 2005 the company introduced its new public interface, the Enterprise Portal Solution, which was intended to integrate the catalog with a library's other online resources to become a single public interface for a library's web site.

    EPS screenWhile it is possible to implement EPS as a stand-alone catalog interface, it has been designed to work in conjunction with other SirsiDynix products such as Rooms and SingleSearch to function as a portal to all of a library's web resources. However, the enhanced content and other features that staff have appreciated in iBistro implementations such as those listed in the Sirsi Unicorn OPAC examples post will be part of EPS as well.

    Next: What is a "portal," anyway?

    Images courtesy of SirsiDynix.

    Friday, March 17, 2006

    SirsiDynix Project Manager's Weekly Project Status Report #4

    SirsiDynix logo

    Project Status Report

    Site Name: Memphis Public Library
    Date: 03/17/06

    Project Manager: Amanda Little
    Sales Representative: Laurie Chase
    Client Contact: Steve Foster and Alan Stewart

    Major Activities/ Meetings Completed
    Tuesday call with Carol to discuss the Rooms project
    Library working on policies
    Confirmed all hardware is on-site.
    First week of training manuals have been ordered.

    Activities/ Meetings Scheduled for Next Week
    Continue working on policies
    Call schedule for Tuesday March 17th
    Adam and Damon will be on-site to install hardware

    Project Status
    1. Access –
    2. Hardware – All hardware will be installed next week
    3. Software –
    4. Policies – Library is continuing to working on policies
    5. Data – A successful test data extraction has been completed.
    6. Training – The first week of training is scheduled for April 10-14
    7. Schedule – All activities are on schedule.

    Thursday, March 16, 2006

    "Holds" (aka "Reserves") and the New ILS

    Among the issues to be decided by the Library before the changeover to the new ILS is how to provide the best service to customers who want to have an item held for them to pick up later, or sent to another location. A related questions is whether to allow customers to reserve an item that is currently checked out.

    Longtime staff will remember the old paper "reserves" system in which customers could ask to be put on a waiting list and notified when an unavailable title was returned. After automating in the early 1980's, the Library decided to suspend the reserves system in favor of meeting public demand for popular materials by purchasing multiple copies of bestsellers for all locations and by implementing a highly efficient overnight delivery system.

    While this system has worked well for the Library and its customers over the years, some flaws have become evident, especially in regards to materials that may be "popular" but not bestsellers. Customers are sometimes frustrated when trying to track down a title for which we may have only a few copies, or only one copy, in the whole system. The idea of reserves continues to appeal to many library customers, as evidenced by the strong positive response to the idea of "using the Internet to have books or other materials currently checked out reserved for you when returned" in our recent customer survey.

    An additional consideration for the Library is that our current procedure for sending items from one location to another to fill customer requests using the Route Out function in DRA Classic cannot be transferred just as it is to the Sirsi Unicorn ILS. Moving items through the system in Unicorn requires that they be tied to a borrower's record. Attempting to provide the same service we do now without adding additional services would require more staff (and customer) time and could be seen by library customers as a step backwards.

    For this reason, Unicorn Policy File Team chair Paul Gahn has been leading his team as well as other decision-makers through a review of our options, beginning with a discussion at the Jan. 9, 2006 PSG meeting. On February 27, 2006, the team met with selected public services representatives to determine whether or not the Library should activate the Holds function of the new ILS. The group decided that MPLIC will introduce the Holds service in a limited manner by allowing holds to be placed by customers in the online catalog for items that are on the shelf as well as checked out. Locations and materials ineligible for holds will include: reference locations and items; popular library fiction and non-fiction books; and, new (less than 1 year old) 3-day circulating entertainment DVDs. Additionally, holds will not be allowed for titles when all copies are assumed lost, missing, withdrawn, and so on.

    More details are provided in Paul's minutes of the Feb. 27 meeting, posted below. As with any major system change, many details are yet to be worked out. Over the next few months, many staff members will be involved in reviewing workflow issues and developing new procedures. However, we are confident that the end result will be improved services for our library customers.

    Unicorn Holds Meeting, February 27, 2006 - Minutes

    (As recorded and distributed by Paul Gahn, Unicorn Policy Creation Team Chair)

    Unicorn Holds Meeting Minutes
    February 27, 2006, 2:30-4pm
    Central 2nd Floor Conference Room

    Caroline Barnett, Cordova Manager
    Ann Delphin, Circulation Services Manager
    Steve Foster, Assistant Director, Support Services
    Paul Gahn, Automated Library System Coordinator
    Rebecca Graham, Central Circulation
    Sallie Johnson, Deputy Director
    Janet Majilton, Collection Development Officer
    Debby McElroy-Clark, Support Services Manager
    Gina Milburn, Humanities Senior Manager
    Alan Stewart, Electronic Services Coordinator

    1. Preface –SIRSI Unicorn Workflows will not allow items to be placed on hold or send to other branches (what we use Route Out for) without placing and trapping a hold for an account in the patron database.
    a. This will add time for the customer and the staff member.
    b. To not be able to offer additional services, asking for a library account to request material will be seen as technology for technology's sake by customers and staff.

    2. Should we allow on shelf holds to be placed by customers in the online catalog?
    a. YES
    b. Locations and materials to exclude from holds?
    i. Reference locations and items
    ii. Popular Library fiction and non-fiction books
    iii. New (less than a year old) 3-day entertainment DVDs
    1. Probably require a new material code/item type
    iv. Popular Library books and new 3-day DVDs would continue to be held until closing only
    1. They will be checked out to a special library use account.
    a. It could display in EPS (Enterprise Portal Solution) as “On hold for customer”
    c. 2 times a day pull report (approximately 8:00 am and 2:00 pm) will become part of daily
    i. Exact run time will be determined later based on other daily maintenance reports.
    d. Rationale:
    i. Adds a service for customers that they have long asked for, while at the same time prevents long queue lists for hot bestsellers.

    3. What is the total number of holds per customer at one time?
    a. 25 regardless of user profile (including Educator)
    b. Rationale:
    i. Students may have required number of sources
    ii. No limit currently

    4. Will there be a fee for holds?
    a. NO
    b. Rationale:
    i. Unicorn cannot distinguish between holds placed online and those by staff at customer request via phone. To charge would require us to charge customers that are accustomed to receiving a free service.

    5. To be determined:

    a. Notification method for Available holds?
    i. Can we just use email and automated phone (SVA) notices for hold notices?
    1. Printing and postage cost would be a new cost and one that would not be recovered since we won’t be charging for holds.
    2. Printing daily hold notices would be a major challenge for Automated Services with current staffing.
    3. If not hold notices must be printed, hold shelf time would need to be lengthened from 3 days to 5-7 days.

    b. How to allow material to be transferred to a pickup location if:
    i. Fines or lost items prevent holds?
    Staff override? (trying to confirm with SIRSI and other libraries)
    ii. Customer A does not yet have an account and wants items sent from Central to Cordova?
    1. Hypothesis (trying to confirm with SIRSI and other libraries):
    a. Place and trap hold for a special library use account for the pickup location Cordova?
    This creates a hold that must be satisfied (checked-out) for the Cordova card or the Central item will be sent back to Cordova after circulation.
    1. After being received at Cordova, the item would need to be charged to Cordova but not discharged
    Reason: Another hold could have been placed by Customer B while in transit and if the pickup location is also Cordova, the item automatically become an available hold for Customer B
    2. Customer A arrives:
    1. Item is charged using an override

    Sirsi Implementation Teams: The Unicorn Policy File Team

    In an ILS, the term policies refers to the parameters that tell the system how to function: who can check out, what they can check out, and for how long; how materials are described and displayed in the catalog; and much more.

    Role of the Unicorn Policy File Team:

    • To coordinate the implementation of the Sirsi Unicorn Policy File
    • To identify the requirements for data conversion and transfer
    • To identify the requirements for reports and management information
    • To identify the requirements for and to coordinate the delivery of staff training
    • To identify and make recommendations on potential workflow changes


    Reports to the Sirsi Implementation Management Team


    Chair – Paul Gahn (Automated Services)
    Ann Delphin (Central Circulation)
    Debby McElroy-Clark (Support Services)
    Janet Majilton (Collection Development)
    Alan Stewart (Public Services)

    Wednesday, March 15, 2006

    Computer Equipment Received

    (From the March 6, 2006 PSG meeting minutes)

    Automated Services has received some of the new computer equipment ordered for the Sirsi Unicorn ILS project. The following equipment has been received to date:

    • Two SUN V240 Servers – the test server; the Rooms/EPS server
    • Two Shark Equipment Racks
    • One 10KVA Liebert Uninterruptible Power System (UPS)
    • The BlueSocket Wireless Network Solution Controllers and Access Points

    Automated Services is coordinating the installation of the equipment with Sirsi, Liebert and a local electrical firm.

    Monday, March 06, 2006

    News from the 2006 SirsiDynix SuperConference in Nashville, TN

    2006 SuperConference logo
    SirsiDynix holds a special conference each year for its ILS customers. At these conferences, users give presentations and hold interest group meetings to share information with their colleagues. Company representatives demonstrate SirsiDynix products and services, other library vendors have exhibits, and more general programs of professional interest are offered as well. Additionally, SirsiDynix executives share information about upcoming new products and changes to existing products, and present the company's overall goals and strategies. Here are a few news items coming out of this year's SuperConference in Nashville:

    • With its membership having dropped to below 50, the DRA Users Group has voted to officially dissolve and merge with the Unicorn Users Group.
    • SirsiDynix intends to continue to develop and support both the Unicorn and Horizon (Dynix) ILS platforms.
    • Some SirsiDynix products will be developed as "cross-platform" products; for example, Director's Station is being adapted for Horizon libraries.
    • Sirsi's Enterprise Portal Solution (EPS) and Dynix's Horizon Information Portal (HIP) will be merged into a single portal product. (The EPS/Rooms interface with which we are becoming familiar should not significantly change.)
    • SirsiDynix is developing a new Electronic Resource Management product for both Unicorn and Horizon libraries utilizing the technology of another vendor, Serials Solutions.
    • This year's release of the Unicorn ILS software, GL 3.1, will include new support for online borrower registration and for accepting credit card payments through the e-commerce company VeriSign.

    Image courtesy of SirsiDynix.

    Friday, March 03, 2006

    Web Feeds from the Catalog

    Kevin Dixon has a new post over on his Technical Trainer blog about web feeds, which will be a feature of our new ILS through the Enterprise Portal Solution.

    SirsiDynix Project Manager's Weekly Project Status Report #3

    SirsiDynix logo

    Project Status Report

    Site Name: Memphis Public Library
    Date: 03/03/06

    Project Manager: Amanda Little
    Sales Representative: Laurie Chase
    Client Contact: Steve Foster and Alan Stewart

    Major Activities/ Meetings Completed
    Tuesday weekly call
    Library working on policies
    Meet the trainer call took place on Monday to discuss the first week of training.
    Introduction call with Carol for the Rooms/EPS project took place on Wednesday.
    Workflows client CD was shipped at the first of the week.
    Sent e-learning enrollment form

    Activities/ Meetings Scheduled for Next Week
    Continue working on policies
    Call schedule for Tuesday March 7th at 2pm

    Project Status
    1. Access –
    2. Hardware – Servers have been ordered, library is beginning to receive some of the hardware.
    3. Software –
    4. Policies – Library is currently working on policies
    5. Data – A successful test data extraction has been completed.
    6. Training – The first week of training is scheduled for April 10-14
    7. Schedule – All activities are on schedule.

    Wednesday, March 01, 2006

    Sirsi Implementation Teams: The Enterprise Portal Solution Team

    Over 60 MPLIC staff members are participating in the Sirsi implementation as members of one or more Implementation Teams. This is the first in a series of posts introducing the different teams -- their roles in the overall project and their members.

    Role of the Enterprise Portal Solution Team:

    • To coordinate the implementation of the Sirsi Enterprise Portal Solution (EPS) and its varied components (Web Catalog, Kid’s Catalog, Single Search, Open URL Resolver, and Rooms).
    • To identify the requirements for data conversion and transfer.
    • To identify the requirements for reports and management information.
    • To identify the requirements for and to coordinate the delivery of staff training.
    • To identify and make recommendations on potential workflow changes.


    Reports to the Sirsi Implementation Management Team


    Chair – Alan Stewart (Public Services)
    Caroline Barnett (Cordova)
    John Dooley (Automated Services)
    Wang-Ying Glasgow (Serials/Gov. Docs.)
    Heather Lawson (Public Services)
    John Lloyd (Business/Sciences)
    Patrick O’Daniel (History)
    Michael Radcliff (Serials/Gov. Docs.)
    Mary Seratt (Children's)
    Barbara Shultz (Business/Sciences)
    Betty Anne Wilson (Library Advancement)
    Michele Yellin (East Shelby)

    It is anticipated that the group will break into three sub-teams that will work together to fulfill the overall team role, as indicated by the following sequence:

    Web Catalog Sub-Team – to coordinate the implementation of public web catalog access using the EPS and Kids’ Catalog interfaces.

    Alan Stewart
    John Dooley
    Heather Lawson
    Mary Seratt
    Michele Yellin

    SingleSearch/Resolver Sub-Team – to coordinate the implementation of federated searching of the Library’s catalog, databases, and other electronic content using Sirsi’s SingleSearch and Open URL Resolver technologies.

    Alan Stewart
    John Dooley
    Wang-Ying Glasgow
    Michael Radcliff
    Barbara Shultz

    Rooms Sub-Team – to coordinate the implementation of integrating most or all of the Library’s electronic content into a single Web interface (the EPS) using Sirsi’s Rooms technology.

    Alan Stewart
    Caroline Barnett
    John Dooley
    John Lloyd
    Patrick O’Daniel
    Betty Anne Wilson