Friday, March 09, 2007

SirsiDynix Project Manager's Weekly Status Report #46

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Unicorn Project Status Report

Note: Since the weekly reports have developed to a point where the majority of items are new, italics are no longer being used to identify new information.

Status Report Date: 2/23/07
Site Name: Memphis Public Library (24 libraries)
Client Contact: Alan Stewart
Go-Live Date: 6/14/07
Software Release: GL 3.1
Go-Live: Yes
SureStart: 9 months

Project Manager: Jeannie Peters
Implementation Team: Damon Hunter (CS), Jenny Hendrickson (DC), Patty Suessen (TR), Pam Tejes (SC)
Sales Representative: Gena Wilhite

Major Activities/ Meetings Completed

• Weekly Call

• A request has been made to Carol Stennett for the name of a Hyperion site that Memphis can look at.

• In regards to the Oracle issue, John Dickson contacted Oracle and they have a solution for the Sun Solaris swap space/memory issue. They have not fully tested it but they gave it to SirsiDynix this week so that we can build and test with it. It will likely take most of the week to build, package, and test this patch. This is intended to be delivered with our Patch Cluster 5 and would not require the customer to get a patch from Oracle.

• Jeannie contacted Tim Hyde for advice on Memphis’ printer installations and is waiting on his response.

• Norm Curl and Paul continued their dialog about the automated backup script that Memphis wants us to create for them.

Activities/ Meetings Scheduled for Next Week

• Weekly Call on Tuesday at 2:00 Central time.

• Data review on the production server.

• Continuing work on EPS/Rooms.

Outstanding Issues

• Jeannie is still waiting on the quote for the warranty on Memphis’ IBM printer. Once the quote is received the warranty can be ordered.

Project Status:

EventStatusCompletion DateNotes:

Hardware Install


DataOn Schedule

SirsiDynix TrainingOn Schedule

Go LiveOn Schedule
Postponed to 6/14/07.

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