Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sirsi Implementation Teams: The Cataloging Team

On July 10 - 11, members of the Cataloging Implementation Team, along with several other Support Services staff members, will meet with SirsiDynix SureStart Consultant, Diane Cunningham, for a Cataloging Summit. This is the first of three summits scheduled for the month of July in which Diane will work with implementation team members to explore options and plan specifics for MPLIC's implementation of the different components and features of the Unicorn ILS.

Role of the Cataloging Team:

  • To coordinate the implementation of the Cataloging function
  • To identify the requirements for data conversion and transfer
  • To identify the requirements for reports and management information
  • To identify the requirements for and to coordinate the delivery of staff training
  • To identify and make recommendations on potential workflow changes


Reports to the Sirsi Implementation Management Team.


Chair – Deborah Powell (Cataloging)
Paul Gahn (Automated Services)
Betty Jones (Item Control)
Debby McElroy-Clark (Support Services)

As needed and depending on the nature of the matter at hand, select Cataloging staff may be invited to attend meetings depending on their areas of expertise.

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