Monday, May 21, 2007

Serials check-in procedures during transition to Unicorn

E-mail message from Wang-Ying Glasgow, Serials/Government Publications Manager, to all branch managers, Circulation Services User Group, Serials/Government Publications staff, Serials Liasion Committee, Regional Managers, etc.:

This Friday, May 25th will be the last day for serials check-in on the Classic system.

After Friday, please keep a manual record of issues received. This will continue for sometime after Go Live. Please use index cards for Serials Check-in. These are the green index cards we used to do manual check-in before Serials Online Check-in. Serials will distribute these cards to you in the interoffice mail today. At the top of each index card, please record the serial title, frequency, and whether it is Reference or Circulating. There are two types of these check-in cards – daily and monthly. Please check in daily and weekly on the daily cards, and monthly and quarterly on the monthly cards. File these cards in an alphabetical order.

Then for each issue received: find the correct index card, record the volume/ issue number, date of publication and date received. Please write legibly. You can use the attached for a list of current received titles, simply use the drop down arrow in cell A1 to limit to your agency.

Before Go Live you can continue to shelve and make available to customers any reference copies and newspapers. Please continue to hold circulating magazines until Go Live (June 14), when you can begin creating brief title records for circulation.

Serials data will be migrated to Unicorn, however each library’s serial control record for each title will have to be manually edited to set-up Unicorn parameters and create predictions. Central Serials staff will be using Central to refine procedures before getting branches setup and trained for serials check-in.

Your patience during this transition is appreciated. If you have questions, please contact me.


Wang-Ying Glasgow
Serials/Government Publications Manager

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