Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Upcoming cutoffs (May 12th) in preparation for Unicorn Go Live! Update-2

E-mail message from Paul Gahn to all reference and circulation staff and branch managers, May 14, 2007:

Using the RI command to change the Item ID (item barcode) on items where the barcode has or is falling off needs to be discontinued. This change won’t migrate to Unicorn.

If discovered during discharge, bill the customer per usual, then route out the item to your agency’s 6 digit code and hold in-house until Go Live. At Go Live you can change the item ID.

If the item is presented for checkout, please mark the item Withdrawn and do an on the fly record for the new barcode.

Security records for Classic logins will be edited to prevent this activity. Beginning tomorrow or earlier, if you try to RI in Bib Services you will see:


Not authorized to perform this function ( to continue)

Paul Gahn

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