Monday, June 18, 2007

RE: Copy Level Holds and Agency Hold Accounts

E-mail from Paul Gahn to all circulation and reference staff, Sunday, June 17:

A couple other reminders and clarifications:

1. Once you place copy level holds with item in hand be sure to Trap the item.
This does two things:
  • Prevents that item from showing on your next pick list
  • Changes the current location to INTRANSIT -- Or if the customer is coming to your location, changes the current location to HOLDS
2. Be sure the User ID and pickup location match regardless of what location is sending the item.



The correct pickup library should automatically fill in IF you type the correct User ID and press ENTER.

Using the hold account of the pickup location allows pickup library staff to monitor:

i. What is on the hold shelf (available)

ii. What has yet to arrive (unavailable)

iii. What needs to be removed (pickup by=today’s date).
  • Although a daily report will begin on Friday (6/22/07) for items to be removed from the hold shelf, it will not include the comment field. So the agency hold account should be monitored daily beginning Thursday (6/21/07) to remove items that have a pickup by date=today’s date.
  • These items will need to have their hold removed manually with Remove Item hold -- Then obey what the system says. Items may be going back on the hold shelf for another customer, to another library for a hold or back to its owning library
3. All pink slips received via D&D for the hold shelf must be scanned through Receive Items in Transit to make holds available and eligible to notify the customer via SVA or Email to come in to pickup.

Paul Gahn, Automated Services

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